Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Should they stay?

The United States was founded on federalism. Federalism is when a system in which governmental powers are divided between a central government and smaller units, such as states. One complicated issue that both national and state governments are in disagreement is illegal immigration and what action needs to be taken. President Obama says we should reward anyone who is willing to work hard and play by the rules. In November of 2012, Obama's administration took action to fix our broken immigration system as much as he could through his immigration accountability executive actions. These actions are cracking down on illegal immigration at the border, deport felons, not families, accountability-criminal background checks and impose a tax for the undocumented immigrants
At a local level, the state of Texas implements the policy that immigrants are prohibited from receiving most public benefits. However, they are allowed to receive emergency services, health care and other programs that protect their life and safety. Even having access to these benefits, they are not safe from deportation or securing employment.
In conclusion, considering these two policies, I would have to agree with federal policy. I do not agree with restricting people's entry into this country, if they are willing to work, pay taxes and contribute to our society. I feel we are all winning in this game of life with this federal policy in place. I think Texas law, is great in providing the bare essentials, but how does this help the immigrants in the long run? They help contribute to our economy, but what do we do for them? I recently read that 72% of Americans believe in allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the country as long as they meet the specific standards, which I feel is further reinstating how federal law is a step in the right direction for finding a solution in illegal immigration. 

1 comment:

  1. Should they stay? is post from the blog Deep In The Heart Of Texas. The post makes a quick summary of the system of government known as Federalism and the inherent differences between the Federal Government and the Texas Government on the issue of illegal immigration. The author shares the opinion that immigrants willing to work should be allowed access to this country where they can, presumably, become productive members of our society in that "they are willing to work [and] pay taxes."

    I found that the post itself was not too wordy in that it gave a concise explanation of Federalism and shared an opinion without blathering on. The title was short enough to grab attention but too short in that it did not give any allusion of what lies ahead. I recommend adding something simple as two or three more words so it would read "Concerning Illegals: Should They Stay?"

    The author's use of a statistic regarding a majority opinion and the opinion of President Obama as well as his plans on the issue were linked to the article. This is always a good strategy if you want to have validity for your claims, otherwise, you risk coming off as a "crazy talker" with no backup.

    Overall, I found the post an efficient way to convey the author's opinion.

